Sunday 1 November 2015

How to Achieve Balance with the 80/20 Rule

To keep me on track and to help me stay focused on my healthy eating I apply the 80/20 rule. This means that for 80% of the time I stay on track, eating the right foods according to my plan. The other 20% of the time I give myself opportunities to indulge a little in my favourite treats. It's completely OK to enjoy a few treats here and there!
This rule works for me because I feel balanced. I don't feel deprived and it makes this healthy lifestyle doable.
I know this approach won't work for everyone, some people are all or nothing types of people (my hubby is very much like this) where they need to commit fully to be able to make the changes they want to see. I'm certainly not one of these people and I suspect most of you aren't either. It's tough sticking to something 100%, especially if it's for something more long term like weight loss. The journey I'm on isn't a fad diet or a weight-loss plan. It's not a quick fix, this is my lifestyle so I need it to be workable. I'm not expecting perfection from myself, just progress.

Yo-yo dieting tends to happen when people are so restrictive in what they can and can't eat that they just aren't able to sustain it. Then it's a slippery slope back to their starting point.
With the help of the 80/20 rule I can do this forever. It's a bigger picture thing. I'm focused on my health rather than dieting.

If I know I'm going to be indulging one day, say for a friend's birthday meal on a Friday evening, I'll make sure that I don't give in to temptation during the rest of the week. I'll think about and look forward to that meal that I'd rather be having on Friday. It makes it easier to say 'no' during the week because I'd rather splurge on what I feel is really worth the calories to me.

There is nothing wrong with 'cheat' meals. If you're sticking to the plan 80% of the time you totally deserve them. Don't feel guilty! It's OK, it won't ruin your progress.
But, without planning them in you can end up cheating during the week on small things like crisps and chocolate, then when you get invited out to dinner or a party on Friday you say 'yes' and then you go and have a cheat meal. But in reality you've already had your cheats earlier on in the week. You undo all of your hard work in a short space of time. All of those little, seemingly insignificant choices add up to a lack of progress.

The key is to plan it all out. If you want to be able to relax a little at the weekend then be on point all through the week. If you find it harder during the week (say for example you travel for work) then switch it around and be tight on it at the weekend. There really is no right or wrong way to make the 80/20 rule work. The important this is to do what's right and works for you.

And remember, everything in moderation!

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