Tuesday 19 December 2017

80 Day Obsession Program Overview

It’s nearly here… The workout and nutrition plan that'll get get into the best shape of your life!!!

If you follow me on my Facebook or Instagram you might have seen that I'm getting excited about a brand new fitness program that has not yet been released yet by Beachbody.
80 Day Obsession is a new program created by fitness expert and super-trainer, Autumn Calabrese. Autumn Calabrese also created the 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme, Hammer and Chisel, Country Heat and more. 
Over the past few months I've been following the coaches in the Test Group and I can honestly say that the results from this program are going to blow your mind!!! 
The program officially launches in January of 2018 but in the meantime I will be providing you with information about it and gathering my gang together so we can get ourselves prepped and ready to rock this brand new program!!!. You can also get prepped for the program by joining me in a A Little Obsessed which is a sneak peek version available from right now until 80 Day Obsession launches in January! Oh, and did I say that access to A Little Obsessed was free?!!!! All you have to do is sign up for a free account here and you'll get all the snack peek workouts streamed for nothing!

Now I know you're dying to find out more about this fantastic new program so lets talk about what 80 Day Obsession is all about.

What is the 80 Day Obsession?

This program is an effective, step-by-step approach to building a shaped, curvy, lifted butt while simultaneously shrinking your core and getting those abs to peek out at you! It’s 80 days of obsessive focus on fitness and nutrition spread over 13 weeks. In all the program lasts 93 days including your rest days.

Is it extreme? YES!!! The workouts are intense and they average 45 to 55 minutes in length. The diet guidelines are every bit as demanding!. You will be following a professionally calibrated macro-nutrition plan perfectly timed to produce amazing results at each phase of the program. Yes, the program is intense because it's designed to help you get in the absolute best shape of your life. So it's really important that you follow the program to the T in order to get the results that you want and expect.

This program works your entire body but there are days specifically designed to work your butt, your legs, your core, arms and cardio. Every single workout is different each day and no two days are EVER repeated!

What Equipment Do You Need?

You will need to get your 80 Day Obsession Packs in plenty time to start your Day 1 on 15th January 2018.
The packs are released on 14th December 2017, so that gives you plenty of time to get yours ordered and have everything ready!
You will also need a set of light, medium and heavy dumbbells.

There are plenty of packs to choose from depending on what you already have at home and when you order between 14th December 2017 and 14th January 2018 you will receive £10 DISCOUNT off the retail price. This is fantastic value because the packs are already heavily discounted compared to buying everything separately.

What Pack Options Are There?


They all come with one years subscription to Beachbody on Demand, the Portion Fix containers, resistance loops and sliders.

Option A: The MEGA Challenge Pack
Comes with RECOVER & ENERGIZE for the WHOLE duration of the program along with one months supply of SHAKEOLOGY.

Option B: The COMBO Challenge Pack
Comes with one container of RECOVER, one container of ENERGIZE and one months supply of SHAKEOLOGY.

Option C: The BASIC Challenge Pack
Comes with your choice of either THE PERFORMANCE STACK (1 container each of Recover & Energise) or SHAKEOLOGY (1 months supply).


These are the COMPLETION PACKS and they all include the Portion Fix Containers, resistance loops and sliders.

Option A: The MEGA Completion pack
Comes with RECOVER & ENERGIZE for the WHOLE duration of the program along with one months supply of SHAKEOLOGY.

Option B: The COMBO Completion pack
Comes with one container of RECOVER, one container of ENERGIZE and one months supply of SHAKEOLOGY.

Option C: The BASIC Completion pack
Comes with your choice of either THE PERFORMANCE STACK (1 container each of Recover & Energise) or SHAKEOLOGY (1 months supply).

Comes with 4 containers of RECOVER & 2 containers of ENERGIZE to last you for the duration of the program.

Comes with the Portion Fix Containers, Resistance Loops & Sliders.

REMEMBER if you order BEFORE 15th January 2018, you will receive a £10 DISCOUNT on your pack. You can order your packs as from Thursday 14th December 2017.

What Is The Nutrition Plan Like?

The nutrition plan follows the Portion Fix containers for measurements but it is totally different than the 21 Day Fix or other Beachbody programs. You are eating at specific times of the day and you have a pre and post workout meal. You can keep it basic and follow the meal plan or you can get fancy with your recipes. I know that I will be keeping it as simple as possible! I'll replace 1 meal or snack a day with Shakeology and I'll be using the Beachbody Performance Line every single day, just like I do now! I use the Energize pre-workout and the Recovery post-workout. It truly is my saving grace. It's worth every single penny of investment for me. 
I will be going into more detail with the meal plan in the next few weeks. The best part about the whole program is that you get to have a refeed day in which you get to have more carbs to refuel and jolt your body back into results. The first refeed happens at week 6!

Who is the 80 Day Obsession for?

This program is for anyone who is ready to get strict with their nutrition and see how far they can go with results!! You do need to have a base level of fitness and it's best if you already understand Portion Fix and clean eating. If you have more than 40lbs to lose I suggest using the next few weeks to get moving with A Little Obsessed so that when you start this program it will be the most effective for you.
There were people in the coach test group who had over 100lbs to lose and they made sure they modified as necessary but still gave it 100% every time and they smashed it too! There were people of all different shapes and sizes in the coach test group with different goals to each other and it showed that this program is not all about losing weight but it’s also about booty gains, ab definition and gaining muscle too!

This program is good for:

- Those that want a leaner, firmer, more sculpted body

- Women looking to add some curves WITHOUT bulking up

- Anyone who wants a tighter, more defined booty and flatter abs

- Fitness fans looking for an intense, holistic workout that they can do at home

The really good news is this! You have time to get ready for 80 Day Obsession which is why I am here to help you get your nutrition in check and your fitness up to speed. Just reach out and I'll help get you started.

My personal goals with this new program will be to lose fat from my midsection. I'm reluctant to say "I want to lose weight" because realistically I may not see the scale shift much with this program. What I WILL see instead is inches lost and visible changes to my body. I want to slim out my tummy, make a start on seeing some baby abs, strengthen my legs and lift my bum. I want to feel stronger and leaner and healthier because I am fuelling up with the right foods! I am intrigued by the timed nutrition and the workout blocks and I'm excited to see what it'll do for my body and how I feel. All I know is that I am a firm believer in Autumn’s programs and nutrition plans and I've watched some fantastic transformations progress throughout the course of the test group for 80 Day Obsession. I KNOW this will work as long as I do!!!

What can you do to prepare for this program?

Take the next couple of weeks and join me in doing A Little Obsessed and start building a solid foundation for fitness and nutrition. Let me walk you through clean eating and exercise together!!

80 Day Obsession will launch on January 13th and a new workout will be posted each day for 80 days.

Remember to fill out my application form below to reserve your space in my 80 Day Obsession Beta Group starting Monday 15th January.

Let’s get ready to be in the BEST shape of your life! Are you ready to get OBSESSED?!!!

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