Tuesday 23 February 2016

Missing in Action....

I thought I'd check in with you all because lately I've been AWOL. I didn't want you to think I'd completely disappeared or anything.
I've not been posting because I've been ill :( I can't believe the irony because extremely shortly after making my last blog entry (yes, that one down there...
you know, the one that tells you how to avoid getting a cold and flu) I got a cold! And it was a nasty one too in the end. I thought that I'd be able to just fight it off like normal, but this time it was playing hard ball. I spent the weekend feeling absolutely rubbish (OMG the sinus pain! Never had anything like it in my life!) and I've even had to take a couple of days off sick from work, which is completely unlike me. I'm actually writing this from the comforts of my duvet (sad as that sounds).
Me being pathetic (I don't have much sympathy, even with myself)
Quite honestly, being ill doesn't suit me at all. It really just won't do. The last few days I've been mainly sleeping, eating (because I get starving when I have a bad cold), getting bored, having hot and cold episodes (nice), getting bored, napping, reading, popping pills, getting bored...... it goes on. One thing that I absolutely refuse to do though is to watch daytime TV, anything but that!

So, because this nasty bug wouldn't let me out of it's grip I've not exercised for 5 whole days. I KNOW! But I've tried to be good and listen to my body for once. And I'm glad I did, but I just can't shake the feeling that I've put myself a bit behind. My eating hasn't been on point either so that's not even a saving grace. I'm counting down to our annual skiing holiday and every day counts.

Now, there are two reasons for this...

1) The sensible reason, which is that I want to be as fit as I can when I hit the slopes. Now that I can actually ski "alright" *smugness* I don't want to have to be stopping every few feet to rest my aching thighs like I normally do. I want to be able to ski hard and use it as a workout in itself. I can picture it now, elegantly and swiftly carving through the sparkling powder, leaving everyone else behind in my wake. OK, OK, I know that's not going to happen, but a girl's gotta dream right? And it certainly won't happen if I don't keep up with my squats and lunges!

2) The self-imposed reason (and probably the main reason), which is that I've got new salopettes to squeeze into. So I bought myself a new ski jacket and salopettes, no biggie. Jacket is fab, no problems there. But the salopettes are a slightly different matter. They're tight and stretchy. AND TIGHT. For some crazy reason I decided to go for streamlined 80's ski chic, instead of baggy snowboarding cool. I thought I'd look a bit glam and classy as if I'm skiing in Klosters or something. Yeah, right! Anyhoo, I still need to be able to shimmy myself into them somehow, and of course I need them to not split when I spectacularly face plant at some point (which I will). Probably on a black run, just underneath the ski lift whilst everyone on there's watching me magnificently fail.

So what I'm saying is, hurry up cold and go away so that I can get back to the plan. Even if it's just to save me from future embarrassment!

Thursday 11 February 2016

Smart Nutrition Tips to Help You Start Out on the Right Foot

These top tips will help you launch your health and fitness journey with a bang!

1) Never Skip Breakfast

Missing out on the most important meal of the day will affect your performance, not just at the gym but at work as well. Eat healthy carbs such as wholegrain cereal or porridge oats with protein from milk (or preferably a plant based-alternative such as unsweetened almond or soya milk). Add nuts or seeds for essential healthy fats, and berries for a hit of antioxidants.

2) Reshape Your Plate

Two thirds of your plate should always be plant-based - think vegetables, fruit, wholegrains, pulses, beans, nuts and seeds. The remaining third should be animal protein, such as meat or eggs.

3) Stay Hydrated

You really need to aim for 2-3 litres of water every day. Make sure you're always hydrated before you exercise to be able to perform at your best. It's best to sip slowly through the day rather than chugging at once!

4) Always Refuel

Protein encourages growth and repair of muscles, while carbs replace lost fuel so it's best to combine the two after exercise. Try all-natural peanut butter and banana on rice cakes, or hummus and wholemeal pitta bread - both are great protein/carb combos.

Sniffle Busters!

Image result for fresh fruit vegetables nuts

It seems like right now everyone's dropping like flies around me. People are getting lots of nasty bugs that they can't manage to shake off very easily. Touch wood, the fam and I have managed to get away with it so far but I'm not planning on taking any risks!
Your diet is the most powerful natural weapon against flu and colds. Healthy foods are way more effective than supplements at keeping our body's defences working because pills simply can't replicate those benefits.
If you're fearing the flu like I am then you'll want to stock up on this group of immunity boosting ingredients so you can dodge the lurgy and head the sniffles off at the pass.

Read on for an A to Z of the foods that you MUST eat RIGHT NOW!!!
These will give you a hit of antioxidant vitamin E, and infection-fighting glutathione.
These are all stuffed with immunity-boosting and inflammation-fighting purple anthocyanin antioxidants. 
A great source of selenium to attack viruses, plus vitamin B6 to help your body fight off bugs.
Contain a plethora of anti-sniffle nutrients including zinc, B vitamins, iron, selenium and vitamin D.
Bursting with vitamin A these beauties keep your virus barriers up and fighting.
One of my faves, a few of these max your zinc levels revving up immune cells to function at their best.
It's a veritable vitamin A, C, E and folate-fest of green goodness.
An all-round nutrient powerhouse, eggs are protein-rich and full of vitamin D, which is proven to boost immunity. 
Little bundles of B vitamins which help your body make bug-battling antibodies.
Bet you didn't know that these lovelies contain more vitamin C than oranges. Now you do :)
All onions are good, but choose red onions for an even higher boost of cold-fighting anti-inflammatories.
My favourite! And there's a good reason for it. They contain infection-fighting ingredients galore, with vitamins A, C and E, folate and iron. It doesn't get much better than that!
A mega-combo of vitamins B2 and B6, which are essential for making defensive antibodies, plus lean protein, the building blocks of immune cells.
This top trio of vitamin A, folate and glucosinolates boost immunity and are responsible for switching on your cells' defences.
Now put away those tissues because you won't be needing them!