Tuesday 20 February 2018

One year on.......

Exactly one year ago I did something that was the bravest and biggest thing I’d ever done.
I knew it was coming, it had been coming for a while. A combination of events that had set me on a path where there was only one real option left for me. And then one day, on a Friday afternoon at work, mid-conversation, it became obvious that this was finally it. The end of the line. 

One year ago I handed in my notice at my workplace of almost 25 years. To leave my well paid job, to walk away from the place that I’d spent all my adult years, more than half my life, to leave behind so many wonderful people that I’d had the pleasure to know over those years.
To walk away from something that I was so very familiar with, that had taught me so much, and head straight into the unknown.
I had no plans, nothing in place for me to transfer to and I had no idea what the future would look like.

What I DID know was that it was time.
Time to stand up for what I believed in.
Time to draw a line in the sand and say “enough is enough”.
Time to put myself and my wellbeing first.
Time to put the most important people in my life before my job.
Time to be brave.

I had considered this day for so long, imagining my early retirement - never resigning as such (I always thought I’d be there until the bitter end!), and I always thought it would be the hardest thing I’d ever do.
I was wrong. It was strikingly easy.
That’s how I know it was right. 

One year on and I am so grateful that I made that decision. If I hadn’t I’m not sure what would have happened.
I DO know that my anxiety would be through the roof. I’d still be trying to hide my stress induced dry-reaching during meetings (gross I know, but true story) and running to the loo in case it became more.
I’d still be sitting in my car after I’d parked each morning, attempting to cover up the fact that tears had been streaming down my face just seconds before, trying to pluck up the courage to walk through the gate and up to my office with a smile on my face.
I’d still be trying to leave my stresses and anxiety at the work gates but failing miserably and losing my temper with my husband and children over the tiniest of things.
I’d still be trying to find that elusive balance of being the perfect wife, mother, employee, sister and friend.
I'd still be a dulled-down, empty version of myself.

I had no chance. I know that now and I knew it on the day I resigned.
Maybe you’ve got it all figured out - and more power to you! But I didn’t. I had no idea how I was supposed to fit in all my work, stay late, pick up my children from school on time instead of leaving them stranded in the rain, get to the school plays, cook dinner (heck, I couldn’t even manage to get any food in the cupboards!), let alone manage my own well-being. Something had to give and it was ME.

While you're busy fighting, the universe has this clever thing it does. It makes you re-evaluate. I know you’ve all done it at some time or another, because I know you've all had your fights. We realise that the most important things in life are our loved ones, our relationships, our health and our wellbeing.

We all KNOW this! It’s not new, but we continually ignore it. Why do we DO that??? Maybe it’s because we’re not brave enough, maybe we’re afraid of upsetting the status quo, maybe we feel the need to have everything laid out nicely. I don't know.

But what I will tell you friends, is that it’s cool to be brave.
It’s empowering to stand up for what you believe in.
It’s invigorating to take back control, to start putting first all the things and the people that are important to you. To actually find calm in your world.

Please don’t ever sell yourself short. If you are struggling only YOU can decide to make the change. If you’re unhappy you CAN find your happiness again. You just have to be brave.

YOU are worthy of happiness and peace.... every single ounce of me hopes you achieve it.

Friday 2 February 2018

February Updates!

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Can you believe it’s February already? January seems to have just flown by, but I’m loving seeing the sun come out more and the blue skies returning!

2018 began strong with the launch of our brand new fitness and nutrition program the 80 Day Obsession by Autumn Calabrese. Thousands of people across the UK, US and Canada started with their Day 1 on 15th January, by signing up and joining support & accountability groups and they are currently smashing out their workouts, along with sticking to the nutrition plan.

I’ve been blown away by the results that I’ve seen so far - they’re phenomenal! Even better is the fantastic sense on excitement, support and community that’s coming out of this! I am so excited to see where this goes and all of the fabulous results everyone will be getting.

For me, I can say that this workout is challenging my body, my mind and my energy level. It has taught me more about nutrition than I had ever imagined, it has made me dig in and stay accountable even when I didn’t want to!

I can’t tell you how proud I am of the ladies in my 80 day Obsession accountability group. They've fully embraced this program and are doing so well! We’re all busy doing our workouts, cheering each other on and supporting each other with tips, recipes and inspiration. We’re having LOTS of fun too!

It’s not too late to join us! If you’re ready to jump in I’ll add you right into the group where you’ll be welcomed by everyone! You can take advantage of their experiences to help you get off to a great start and to ensure your success!

If you’d like to learn more about 80 Day Obsession or apply to join in with us just click here!


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Wondering if you have what it takes to complete the 80 Day Obsession?

Now you can find out with A Little Obsessed, a five-day intro that will give you a taste of what you’ll experience during 80 Day Obsession!

Try this five-day program for FREE. It’s exclusively for Beachbody on Demand members only!

While the 80 Day Obsession will require the kind of obsessive time each day to really sculpt and build that backside and flatten and tone those abs, each A Little Obsessed workout is less extreme and under 30 minutes to let you learn the moves and prepare you for the more challenging 45- to 60-minute workouts in the full program. While you’ll work your entire body, there’s a strong ab and glute focus. So you’ll get to experience Autumn’s proven techniques for sculpting a firm, round butt and carving out toned, flat abs at the same time as you start to strengthen your entire body and burn serious calories.

**You will need some bands (like these) and these sliders for A Little Obsessed!!

>>>>> Just email me to get in on the ‘A Little Obsessed’ awesomeness! <<<<<


Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, drink and indoor

Now that I’ve been drinking my superfoods shake for 3 months I can really feel the benefits from it! After the initial month, where my body was getting used to all the extra fibre and goodness, I haven’t experienced my usual mid-afternoon bloat at all!

And while everyone around me has been dropping like flies with this nasty cough and cold that’s been going around I have been feeling great!. I swear it’s all the phytonutrients and supergreens in it!

So, what’s so special about this drink? This video from Shakeology Co-Creator, Isabelle Daikeler explains the mission behind creating this incredible superfood nutrition shake and why it’s so beneficial to your health. What is so special about Shakeology?


Have you fallen off the wagon? Ready to get back on track? I just want to remind you to never hesitate to reach out! I’ll get you plugged in to a challenge group or started on a fitness program ASAP, just shoot me an email or a message and we can have a chat to see what would be a great fit for you!!

Also, want to tell you about some fun new accountability groups starting in February and I would LOVE to have you join in!


That's right, just 7 days (you can commit to that right?!) and it costs nothing!

See what it's all about, see if you like it or not. You get 14 days to try out ALL of my workout programs, and for 7 days we'll be having a virtual dance-off! I'll give you a healthy meal plan to follow for the week and my total support. You could lose up to 7lbs, and learn the tools to maintain it!

We'll start on Thursday 8th February! There’s not much time left to jump onboard. Why not gather a group of your friends to do this together? APPLY HERE!

- A 30 day "All In" Accountability Group. STARTS 19TH FEBRUARY

We'll be using a program designed mainly for ladies, to suit different goals (weight loss, toning, muscle gain) which teaches correct portion size, healthy eating for life, and 30 minute workouts 6 days a week. A month of nutrients in a superfood drink, nutrition guides and recipes. PLUS daily motivation and me as your free coach. If you put in the work I guarantee you'll see changes at the end of the month!

***** PLUS, for February ONLY there is a £10 discount! *****

Only 10 spots available this month. We’ll start on 19th February so HURRY! APPLY HERE!


Have you ever thought about becoming a health and fitness coach with Beachbody? Are you interested in finding out more about what i do as a coach?

I’ll be running an Inside Coaching Sneak Peek event this month and I would love for you to be part of it! It’ll be an informal online event so you can sit back with a cup of tea on your sofa and just listen in. No expectations, no commitment, just some information to see if would be something that could be the answer you’re looking for.

If you’re looking for a community of positive and uplifting women, a way to earn some pocket money, a way to help others, or even a way to replace your income and change your life then you’ll want to be a part of this! We are the 4 x top team in the company and our support and training system is second to none! We're always looking for go-getters to join us in our mission to help people live healthy, fulfilling lives. Could that be you?

If you’d like to get a spot in the event fill out this form and I can save you a space!

Have a great February and remember, I'm always here to help!
Tracy x