Monday 28 December 2015

Being Scared About the Next 60 Days!......

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and that you were able to take some time to relax and enjoy yourselves with friends and family. I had a lovely few days and got to spend some quality time with my family. I let myself indulge a little (and the waistline shows it!) but now it's time to get back to some normality with a regular exercise plan and some nutritious food.

Today I'm starting my new workout programme, and it would be an understatement to say it's going to be a challenge! This one is unlike anything I've ever done before. Normally I'm flinging myself around the lounge doing all sorts of cardio moves. For the next 60 days though I'm going to be changing tact and working mainly with weights.

The idea behind it is that it's built on SSP training (short for Stabilisation, Strength and Power). It's supposed to 'rapidly build, sculpt and refine the physique'. Hey! Stop your sniggering over there!!!!
There are different types of workouts. Some focus on 'building muscle, strength and power', whilst others are designed to 'achieve greater endurance, stabilisation and maximum definition' (lol!). Can you tell I'm not 100% convinced about this?! Ha ha!

It uses various equipment which I've had to quickly pull together and improvise. I don't know how I'll get on but I could be placing an express delivery order for a workout bench when I find out that a chair just won't cut it in a few days time! You're supposed to have weights (I've got a small selection - I hope they will be enough), a bench (which I haven't got), a resistance band (which I have!) and a chin-up bar (we do actually have one of these but me trying to squeeze even one chin up out is quite frankly a complete joke). I really have absolutely no idea how this is going to pan out. Other than the nutrition side of things this is the least I've been prepared for exercising in a LONG time.

Nutrition-wise I can stick to what I've already been doing so that's a bonus.  Just clean eating and paying attention to portion sizes and proportions of macros (carbs, proteins, fats, etc). This really shouldn't be a problem for me.

The great thing for me is that this time I'll have an accountability partner every day because Roger will be doing this programme with me. We can laugh at motivate, drive and help each other through it. And when we reach the 60 day mark we'll both completely ripped and defined...then we'll be high-fiving each other! I really should lower my expectations a little, it's just that the people in the booklet look sooo awesome. Surely that'll be me and Rog when we've finished, right???!!!

So, in preparation I've done my 'before' measurements and photos so I can see if this workout really does live up to the hype when I compare them to my 'Day 60' photos and measurements. Of course I'll be sure to share my results with all you lovely people!

I think it's fair to say that the next 60 days are gonna be hard, but it'll be worth it! (won't it? Please someone tell me it'll be worth it....)

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Free 5 Day Clean Eating Support Group

Hello everyone!

I've had  a number of conversations with different people over this last week or so about Sweating the Small Stuff in my various festive jaunts.  I didn't start any of these conversations but people were coming up to me and asking me all about it. What was entirely unexpected for me was the feedback that I got from them. This was something that I hadn't really anticipated. The interesting thing for me was the realisation that some of these people weren't my 'friends' on Facebook (which is the arena that I'm currently most active in) nor were they even people that I knew very well at all. Somehow though they'd seen this blog or my Facebook page and were following everything I was posting from the shadows. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, it's just that I was completely unaware that other people were connecting with Sweating the Small Stuff because they weren't on my 'followers' list on Facebook or they hadn't commented on my posts. They weren't visible to me. It made me think that unbeknownst to me there were more people being affected by what I've been doing than I even thought. That really humbled me. If you've read my earlier posts my hope was that one day I might be able to inspire and motivate just one person to take control of their health and fitness and to take action. It seems like that's actually happening! I'm so amazed and excited by this! It's truly fantastic news and I've been so interested and glad to hear people's stories of how they're empowering themselves to make a change.

It got me thinking about how I could take this to the next level. How I could go one step further to help people empower themselves to make the changes they want to.
I decided that I wanted to set up a clean eating group for people who were keen to learn more about clean eating and how they can use it as a tool to change the way they use and think about food so they can take steps towards improving their health.
The timing was also important to me. New Year is around the corner and I'm very aware that people will be thinking about making changes and resolutions at the start of 2016.
During the Christmas holidays and new year celebrations it's harder and harder to maintain the commitment to eating healthily. For some people, just keeping yourself on track is an issue and for others , you may never have been on track and really have no idea where to start. Once I discovered clean eating it became very obvious to me that I had been thinking about food all wrong over the years. Diets don't work. Diets aren't sustainable. Clean eating DOES and IS! Clean eating is now my lifestyle and I feel great for it! I want to share that with you so you can feel the same!

So here it is! My very first group!
It's a free 5 day clean eating group which will be run on Facebook in a closed group for members only. It will be a small group of people where we'll all interact to learn about clean eating and why it's good for you. I'll be giving tips, a meal plan and each day I'll be setting a small challenge for everyone in the group to participate in.
To make this a great experience for us all I really want every group member to actively participate in the group each day. By that I mean - taking part in the daily challenge and posting comments to the group about how it went, asking questions, supporting the other group members, etc. It'll be a cinch!
The great thing is that as a mini community we'll all be supporting each other throughout the 5 days.

What do you need to join?

  • You must participate for the full 5 days in our group - every day
  • You must commit to checking into the group at least once a day
Are you ready to get started? We will begin this group on Monday 4th January so please reserve your spot today!

 >>>> Email me at or send me a message on my likepage at to get enrolled in the free group!

Sunday 20 December 2015

Slow Cooker Turkey Chilli

I tried this new recipe with turkey mince the other day and it went down a storm with the fam!
I love it because it's a slow cooker recipe and it's sooooo simple. Literally stick everything in the pot, switch it on and 4 hours later 'Hey Presto!' a one pot, hearty clean meal for the whole family. To start with I was worried that this wouldn't feed 4 people, but I was wrong! Make a note peeps, it doesn't happen often :)
It can be as hot or as mild as you want depending on what chilli powder you use.
And, it's a cheap one too. Top marks for tasty, filling, clean eating on a budget.
Go and make it.....

Slow Cooker Turkey Chilli (Serves 4)

500g 2% fat turkey mince
400g tin chopped tomatoes
400g tin black beans
400g tin kidney beans
340g tin sweetcorn
Half an onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 tbsp. tomato puree
2 tbsp. chilli powder
1 tbsp. smoked paprika
2 tsp onion granules
1 tsp salt
4oz grated cheese to serve (optional)

  1. Brown the mince. Discard any fat.
  2. Drain the beans and the sweetcorn.
  3. Chuck it all in the slow cooker.
  4. Give it a mix.
  5. Cook on low for 4 hours or for 2 hours on high.
  6. Sprinkle with grated cheese to serve if that's your type of thing!
Bob's your uncle!


Monday 14 December 2015

Second Workout Programme Complete!!! Another 4 Weeks in the Bag - How Did I Do?

Hey, hey y'all!

I'll admit that I've been a bit slack with this blogging lark over the last week or so. I can only apologise. What can I say... it's a busy ol' time of the year.

Anyway.......Another 4 weeks has flown by (can you even believe it?) and I've now finished the second phase of the HIIT workout programme I've been following. That's 9 weeks in total that I've been committed to working out and sticking to clean eating (with the 80/20 rule of course!)

So, naturally you all want to hear how it's gone..... :)
As before I've been fully committed and dedicated to both the working out and the clean eating. But this time there have been a few added challenges. Christmas meals. Christmas meals with alcohol. Two of them. Hmmm, what's a meal or two with friends without a glass of wine??? But I was sensible about it and made sure to get my workouts in and I made a point of picking the best food option from the menu up front both times. At all other times I've stuck to clean meals and snacks. Heck! I even had a carrot and pea salad for lunch in the hotel on Friday. I don't really know what I was expecting but that's exactly what I got. A few cold peas and carrots in a tiny little bowl. That's it!!! And it cost me £4 for the pleasure. Lesson learnt :)

Where I have been slacking is with my water intake and it's been noticeable because I've had a few headaches and I haven't felt as fresh and raring for my workouts the last week or so. The good news is that I still haven't had a single glass of squash since I gave it up a few weeks. It's been water all the way. I'm impressed.

 As before, this second phase of my workout schedule is prescribed and it tells you exactly what workout to do every day. Suits me fine! I've not missed a single workout from the schedule (20 in total). It's definitely been a step up with more weights work but I was ready for it and was able to handle it all. Now it's done I feel considerably stronger and fitter than I was, and pretty much badass whilst I'm working out!!!

My body is visibly changing and I'm liking how it's going. I've especially noticed it in my shoulders and around my rib area.
In the last 4 weeks I've lost 2lbs, 2 inches in total, and 2% body fat. All the twos!!! I'm currently the lightest I can recall being in my adult life, but I think the number on the scale is plateauing. That, however, is absolutely fine by me. If I'm replacing fat with lean muscle then I'm doing a good job!
You know, I have been amazed at how quickly I've been able to change how my body looks and feels. It just takes some commitment, planning, making those considered small choices every day, and some sweat! If I can do this then you absolutely can too!


 Next steps.....

 Still planning on remaining accountable going into the festive season. I am committing to:
  • Follow a new workout programme and not miss any workouts. Again, it's just 30 mins out of my day, 5 times a week. This time it's a much higher intensity and it's TOUGH! There are no weights with this one, just your own body weight. Good job I've lost some!!! I've dabbled with it before, but I wasn't ready to handle it. This time I'm hoping I am (fingers crossed). The premise is that you go as hard as you can for as long as you can until you HAVE to take a break. Then you get straight back into it and keep going. There's no pacing yourself with this one. It's gonna take some commitment to get through this but I'm going all in!  
  • Stick with clean eating but continue to allow myself one laid back meal or an evening where I have a few drinks or sweets,
  • Stay accountable by checking in regularly with you all on my Facebook page and Twitter (I'd love for you to follow me!),
  • Meal plan every weekend and keep clean eats in the house to reduce temptations,
  • Keep rocking it!
Pretty much the same as the last 4 weeks! No surprises there then!

Still on track to make 2015 better than I started!!!!

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Beating the Festive Season Before it Beats You!

It's that time of the year again when we're all caught up in the Christmas hustle and bustle. It can get so bad that we forget to look after ourselves, to eat well and it's easy to make excuses for ourselves. I know I do! I feel my energy levels dropping, I get tired more easily and I want to slack on my eating and fitness.
Holiday game-plan desperately needed!!!!!

Here's mine:
  1. Just because it's Christmas it doesn't mean I'll use the "I'll start afterwards because I'm too busy" excuse. I'm sticking to my workout plan and pushing through. I'm only working out for 30 minutes, 5 days a week. It's totally doable! It's even more important on my splurge days. I'm going to earn my meal on those nights!
  2. I'm getting on track with the 80/20 nutrition rules. Enough room for a festive meal, but not enough slack to ruin my progress. With the odd mince pie here and a few choccies there you can easily undo all of your hard work. Don't do it, it's not worth it! Remember that the fat lasts longer than the flavour!!! This week I'm out for a meal and drinks on Friday but the rest of the week I'm sticking to my game plan. I want to rock my new party dress!!!
  3. If I know I'm going somewhere where there'll be zero good food options I'm going to have something small and healthy to eat before I go. That way I won't feel so tempted to eat the bad stuff. For group meals out I always make sure to order the healthier choice on the menu up front.
  4. Enjoy myself!!! Life is for living and I intend to do that in a healthy and happy way.

What's your game plan to end the year healthier than when you started?

Sunday 29 November 2015

How to Keep Your Energy Levels Soaring When the Temperature Plummets

We all know how this story goes. Winter closes in, the weather gets cold and all we want to do is snuggle up in front of the TV, watching some box set or another and eating stodgy food. Like runny noses and cold toes, a dip in energy levels goes hand-in-hand with winter. This can be a natural reaction that the body has to the change in seasons. We end up in a bit of a spiral where we feel the urge to hibernate and fool ourselves into thinking that the extra sleep and relaxation will improve our energy levels. But actually the opposite is true.
Part of that lethargic feeling we get is psychological, so the first step to feeling more energised is to think yourself more energised and focus on the positive aspects of this time of the year.
So whilst we're busy appreciating mulled wine, good times with friends and family and the slimming effects of black tights we can also make some small tweaks to take our frosty days from 'meh' to 'marvellous'!

 Wake Up Call!
Wake up at the same time - every day
This strengthens your circadian rhythm (basically your waking and sleeping routine) and it'll help you sleep better at night. Bad news is that this applies to the weekend as well. No more Sunday snoozing! The football mums amongst you won't remember what a weekend lay-in is anyway so this'll be a cinch for you!

Get Outside!
Getting some early morning sunshine can increase your energy for the rest of the day. It also triggers production of melatonin, which is a hormone that regulates your body clock, so you'll want to rest at the right times. Working out outside is an added bonus!

Eat for energy!
Eggs are the best! They contain choline which improves brain focus. Wash it all down with a big glass of water. The most common cause of midday fatigue is mild hydration so try to pass up on that hot mug of coffee or hot chocolate that's calling you.

Get Some Air!
Electrical appliances and air conditioning generate positive ions which can lead to bad moods, lethargy and sleepnessness. So maybe take the opportunity during your coffee break to go outside for a quick breather instead. The negative ions outside will help to make you feel more alert.

Cut the Carbs!
We tend to gravitate towards comfort foods in the winter which are generally high in carbohydrate. The trouble is, although they give a quick boost of energy, that's soon followed by a slump so you end up feeling sleepy. Try to eat to sustain your energy levels by eating protein with complex carbohydrates (such as sweet potato or brown rice - try a baked sweet potato with tuna salad, or chicken noodle soup).

Have a Snack!
Most people have a bit of a slump at about 4pm in the afternoon. To beat it have a protein snack. Try a small handful of unsalted nuts or some fat free Greek yoghurt).

Get to Bed Early!
The short winter days prompt our bodies to slow down, so try and get to bed a bit earlier. Going to bed an hour earlier than you do in the summer feeds your body's natural urge and hopefully will help you to drag yourself away from your comfy warm bed in the morning.

Now get out there and feel as sunny and bright as you did all summer!

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Parmesan Pork Recipe

This is a really quick and easy meal to make. I like to make this on weekday evenings when I'm stretched for time. Serve it with something that doesn't take long to prepare and cook and you'll have this on the table within 30 minutes!

Parmesan Pork (Serves 4)

1 tbsp. fresh thyme leaves
1 tbsp. chopped fresh sage leaves
4 extra lean pork medallions (or pork chops)
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
Black pepper
2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp. Dijon mustard
Approx. 30g grated Parmesan

  1. Preheat oven to 200°C. 
  2. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.
  3. In a small bowl mix together the oil, mustard, herbs and garlic powder.
  4. Season the pork on both sides with the black pepper. Lay the pork on the prepared baking tray.
  5. Spread the uppermost side of the pork with the mustard mixture.
  6. Sprinkle the parmesan over the top of the pork.
  7. Bake for 15-20 minutes. The top should be browned and the meat should be cooked through.
Eat up! We enjoy ours with steamed tenderstem broccoli and wholegrains.

Friday 20 November 2015

Turkey Meatballs Recipe

I was looking for a new recipe today. I had some low fat turkey mince in the freezer that I wanted to use up so I thought I'd try something different with it. I made some turkey meatballs pretty much making it up as I went along. I based it very loosely on my family favourite Pork Meatballs recipe, but this time I used basil, parmesan and some fresh tomatoes to give them a mediterranean-style flavour. They turned out really good and the
children were quite happy to gobble them up (excuse the pun!). I served them up with roasted asparagus and brown rice. I'll definitely be making these again. Here's the recipe...

Turkey Meatballs (serves 4)

500g 2% fat turkey mince
100g fresh spinach leaves
3 tomatoes, chopped
A handful of fresh basil, chopped
2 tbsp. grated parmesan
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 tsp garlic powder
1 egg, beaten

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C
  2. Spray a baking sheet with spray oil.
  3. Put the spinach in a covered microwavable bowl and microwave for 1 minute. Leave to cool then squeeze out some of the liquid (but not all, you'll need some to keep the meatballs moist during cooking) and then chop the spinach up.
  4. Put all of the ingredients into a large bowl and mix together using your hands.
  5. Form balls with the mixture and place onto the baking sheet. You should get about 12 meatballs in total.
  6. Bake for 15 minutes.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Progress report! General ramblings on how my first 5 weeks has gone.

Hey all you lovely people!

It's now been 5 weeks since I began my concerted push to improve my health and fitness by starting my workout programme and by committing to clean eating.
Today sees the end of the particular phase of the HIIT programme that I've been following. and I felt it was as good a time as any to tell you how it's gone for me.

I can honestly say that I've been fully committed and dedicated to both the working out and the clean eating. Have I been 100% perfect? Well... not entirely, but it was never about being 100% perfect. It was about the 80/20 balance so things didn't feel overwhelming and out of my reach. So where did that 20% rear its head during these last 5 weeks?
I've stuck to eating clean meals and honestly that part has been easy as I'm already used to it. I've been trying out new recipes and I've found some great new snack recipes to keep my sweet tooth at bay. But, I have allowed myself some treats . This has solely been in the form of Halloween sweets that have lingered in the house longer then they've been welcome. I didn't have the heart to throw them away though. So they've just been sitting there calling my name until I was able to devour them all so they couldn't haunt me anymore. It's fair to say that I have limited the extent of my sweet-eating in any given day, so I've managed to keep my troughing within reason. To balance this out I've made sure that I haven't had any cheat meals. This was intentional, but actually I just didn't feel I wanted or needed to. I'm quite happy with my clean meals and I know I feel better for eating them. I've been drinking lots of water and haven't felt the need for a glass of summer fruits squash since 'water week'. I call that a result :)
The workout schedule I've been following is prescribed and it tells you exactly what workout to push play on each day. This is perfect for me as it tells me what to do and I just do it. No procrastinating umming or ahhing about what workout to do, it's all laid out for me - no excuses! I've missed 1 out of the full quota of 25 workouts. That was yesterday! I had fully intended on doing the workout. I was even in my workout clothes and trainers already, but then my Mum and Dad decided to pop round for an hour, and 3½ hours later they were only just leaving! I love them very much and it was great to see them, but I hadn't factored that time in. I could have just done my workout in the evening but I'd already set aside that time to be with Rog (it was Saturday evening after all) and I didn't want to compromise on that. So I made the decision to miss my workout yesterday.
All in all though, it hasn't been a bad 5 weeks!

The workout programme I've been following is based on HIIT (High Intensity Interval training for those that don't know). It takes on one muscle group at a time, works it to exhaustion and then moves on to the next muscle group. It's only 25-minutes a day, but it's full-on, without any rest. It's been challenging at times but I know that it's worth it. So I've been making that small decision to push play each day for the greater goal. It's worked!!

The benefits I've seen in just 5 short weeks are:
  • I'm noticeably stronger. I've progressed to my heavier set of weights in all but one of the moves in the whole programme,
  • I'm fitter. I can go longer in each move without having to take a break or modify,
  • My clothes are fitting better. Less of the waistbands digging in and jelly belly hanging over the top. I generally feel less wobbly and I can't feel the rolls so much when I'm sitting down,
  • I can see visible changes to my body. I can manage to look at it in the mirror now without pulling a disgusted face! This has made me so much more confident about myself,
  • I feel like a badass lifting weights!!!!!!
  • I'm feeling in control, 
  • I've lost 7 lbs. 
You might have noticed that I put my weight loss at the end of the list. This is completely intentional. My weight is not something I'm obsessed with, it never has been. It's not something I measure my progress or success by because it's just a number. Weight is affected by lots of factors that can change on a daily basis. I would much rather go by how I look and feel. I did weigh myself before I started the workout programme purely as a baseline because I know that people tend to be interested in that. It's the first thing anyone ever asks you - 'how much have you lost?' So I'm using that information for those of you out there that want to know. I have no interest myself in whatever that number is. I will be using the mirror as my monitor.
I also took body measurements and I have before and after photos. I'm choosing not to post the photos here (mainly because I'm not brave enough to), but they're good for me to use going forwards as reference.


So what's next I hear you cry!

Well, my personal health and fitness goals for the end of the year (my year end resolution if you like) is to remain accountable going into the festive season. I am committing to:
  • Follow the next phase of my workout programme and not miss any workouts. It'll be a step up and it's focused on getting lean, strong muscle whilst burning fat. It relies even more on using weights,
  • Stick with clean eating but allow myself one laid back meal or an evening where I have a few drinks or sweets,
  • Stay accountable by checking in regularly with you all on my Facebook page and Twitter (feel free to follow me!),
  • Meal plan every weekend and keep clean eats in the house to reduce temptations  (this week is already planned out and set in stone),
  • Rock it!
I'm gonna make 2015 better than I started!!!!

Thursday 12 November 2015

Tomato and Basil Turkey

This is one of the first clean eating meals that I ever made. It went down well with the family and so it's become one of the regulars.
This absolutely has to be the quickest and easiest clean meal you can make! Not to mention that it's delicious and pretty cheap too. If you're new to clean eating then it's the perfect one to try. And I love that turkey is such a lean protein so it's great if your trying to lose or maintain your weight.
Serve it with a side of vegetables and a complex carbohydrate (like some grains) and you're onto a winner!
I've served ours with sautéed spring greens and freekeh.

Tomato and Basil Turkey (Serves 4)

4 x turkey breast steaks
Garlic powder
Dried basil
1 small onion, chopped
1 tin chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
25g low fat mozzarella, grated

  1. Preheat the oven to160°C.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a pan and cook the onion until translucent.
  3. Line the bottom of a baking dish with foil.
  4. Lay the turkey steaks in the dish.
  5. Sprinkle the turkey with the basil and the garlic powder.
  6. Spoon the cooked onion on top of the turkey, followed by the chopped tomatoes (straight out of the tin).
  7. Sprinkle the mozzarella on top.
  8. Cover the dish with foil.
  9. Bake for 20 minutes.

Sunday 8 November 2015

How I'm Feeling Three Weeks into Sweating the Small Stuff

Hey everyone! Today marks three whole weeks since I started Sweating the Small Stuff in the form of this blog and my Facebook 'like' page. It's been an odd thing for me. Those of you who are my close family and friends will know that I'm quite a private person so putting myself out there in the public domain has been both exciting and scary for me.
I'd been working on building the blog for a while and it had been a long and difficult process. I'm not very techy and I had to google what to do every step of the way. I can't believe I was writing code!!! It was tedious and there was a lot of trial and error but it was important to me that the blog looked and felt right before I published it. It isn't perfect still, there are lots of things I want to do with it to make it more user friendly and to improve how it looks but I had certainly got it to a point where I was happy enough for it to go out to the masses. However, I became aware that I was at the stage where I was just tweaking bits and bobs here and there, and I realised it was because I was procrastinating about putting it out there for all to see.

It took me a few days to pluck up the courage to publish both the blog and my 'like' page, and I was so scared about it! I reasoned with myself that publishing them wasn't really an issue because if nobody knew they existed then nobody would see them anyway! So I went ahead and published them with a rush of blood to the head!

I'm not even really sure what it was that worried me. I was a bit concerned about what people might think, but then I'm not generally bothered about that sort of thing. People can think what they want but I know me, who I am and what I'm about and so do the people who I care about. That's good enough for me. I was certainly worried that I didn't know what I was doing! It was a massive leap of faith. I even had to teach myself how to do selfies as I'd never done them before! I was also worried that people would get irritated by the Facebook feed. But then I had to remind myself that was why I'd set it up as a separate 'like' page instead of using my personal page so that people could choose whether or not to follow me and see the posts.

It was Roger who pushed it through for me. He went and invited people to like my Facebook page and, much to my surprise, people did!

I've been overwhelmed by the support and positive comments that I've had from people. Thank you to all of you! The feedback I've had has made this so much easier for me and has spurred me to keep going when I've been wavering on my ability to do this. The children and Roger have helped and are fully participating, and I've got a new-found 'cool mum' status now that I'm a 'blogger'! It's probably only fleeting so I'll take if for as long as I can!

Although the main intention of all of this was for my own accountability in my health and fitness journey I truly hope to be able to inspire and motivate other people on their own health and fitness journeys. I've been surprised and humbled to hear from people who have taken action towards their own fitness as a result of what I'm doing, some of whom I'd never had imagined would be inspired in this way. I'd love to be able to help other people and am more than happy to do it. Please reach out to me if you think I can in any way. I'll do my absolute best to help you or at least to find the answers you're looking for. I'm certainly no expert but I've learnt lots and I know what has worked for me. On that note, I really would welcome any constructive criticism you feel you can give me regarding both the blog and my Facebook 'like' page. I want everything to be useful to other people so please connect with me so I can focus on things that would be beneficial to you.

Also, if you feel happy to, please invite others to join me on my blog and 'like' page. The more people that are watching me the more accountable I feel!

In summary, I'm so glad that I've done this. It's been challenging and I'm sure it will continue to be, but I'm really enjoying it and it's given me a new lease of life that I didn't know was missing. I'm making great progress in my own personal journey and I'm loving being able to share my passion.

I truly hope that you're getting something out of this too and I'd love for you to stay with me as I push further.

Friday 6 November 2015

Planning for Success

Success doesn't just happen, you have to plan for it!

This holds especially true for my nutrition. When I need to stay on top of a healthy eating lifestyle and I'm cooking for my family I really couldn't do it without planning.

Every week without fail I sit down and set out my game plan for the entire week.
I decide on what dinners we'll be eating as a family for the week ahead and list them out. While I'm doing this I take into account anything that's going on during the week and make sure I plan suitable meals. For example, if I know we're going to be home late one evening because of football practice I make sure to plan in a quick and easy meal for that evening, or I plan in something that I can prepare up front to save time to ensure we don't end up eating too late.

Then I use this plan to write out my full shopping list. I nearly always order my food online, either for delivery, or for me to pick up. I absolutely cannot stand food shopping so this is the best way for me. It means I can manage it without it being a massive aggravation. I also get that time back to do other, more exciting stuff! Things like this...

Once I've got the shopping back home I check all of the use before dates and double check that these fit in with the meal plan. I usually have to make a few tweaks here and there so that we'll eat everything before its expiry date, and I freeze meat at this point if I need to, noting down which day I'll need to get it out of the freezer to thaw.

The key is to look out for and anticipate any potential obstacles and be sure to plan around them so they don't throw you off track.

Once the weekly meal plan is set I write it down so it's visual and available to me and I can refer to it every day. Sometimes it'll just be on a bit of paper that annoyingly hangs around on the kitchen worktop all week, other times it's a bit more formal, like this.....

Then, I STICK TO IT!!!!
Simple as that.
Healthy week of eating in the bag. Repeat for next week :)

Sunday 1 November 2015

How to Achieve Balance with the 80/20 Rule

To keep me on track and to help me stay focused on my healthy eating I apply the 80/20 rule. This means that for 80% of the time I stay on track, eating the right foods according to my plan. The other 20% of the time I give myself opportunities to indulge a little in my favourite treats. It's completely OK to enjoy a few treats here and there!
This rule works for me because I feel balanced. I don't feel deprived and it makes this healthy lifestyle doable.
I know this approach won't work for everyone, some people are all or nothing types of people (my hubby is very much like this) where they need to commit fully to be able to make the changes they want to see. I'm certainly not one of these people and I suspect most of you aren't either. It's tough sticking to something 100%, especially if it's for something more long term like weight loss. The journey I'm on isn't a fad diet or a weight-loss plan. It's not a quick fix, this is my lifestyle so I need it to be workable. I'm not expecting perfection from myself, just progress.

Yo-yo dieting tends to happen when people are so restrictive in what they can and can't eat that they just aren't able to sustain it. Then it's a slippery slope back to their starting point.
With the help of the 80/20 rule I can do this forever. It's a bigger picture thing. I'm focused on my health rather than dieting.

If I know I'm going to be indulging one day, say for a friend's birthday meal on a Friday evening, I'll make sure that I don't give in to temptation during the rest of the week. I'll think about and look forward to that meal that I'd rather be having on Friday. It makes it easier to say 'no' during the week because I'd rather splurge on what I feel is really worth the calories to me.

There is nothing wrong with 'cheat' meals. If you're sticking to the plan 80% of the time you totally deserve them. Don't feel guilty! It's OK, it won't ruin your progress.
But, without planning them in you can end up cheating during the week on small things like crisps and chocolate, then when you get invited out to dinner or a party on Friday you say 'yes' and then you go and have a cheat meal. But in reality you've already had your cheats earlier on in the week. You undo all of your hard work in a short space of time. All of those little, seemingly insignificant choices add up to a lack of progress.

The key is to plan it all out. If you want to be able to relax a little at the weekend then be on point all through the week. If you find it harder during the week (say for example you travel for work) then switch it around and be tight on it at the weekend. There really is no right or wrong way to make the 80/20 rule work. The important this is to do what's right and works for you.

And remember, everything in moderation!

Thursday 29 October 2015

Clean Chocolate Cupcakes

Oooh, if you're after a sweet fix these are perfect!!!!
Not only are they clean, they're easy peasy to make too! The main ingredient is a bit of a's chickpeas! I know, I wasn't sure either to start with, but honestly they are really tasty. A real chocolate hit! They got a big thumbs up from the kids, so that's a winner in my book.
Chickpeas are a good source of protein, are high in fibre and will aid your digestion, so it would almost be rude not to eat these!

Clean Chocolate Cupcakes

400g tin of chickpeas, drained and rinsed,
3 large eggs
6 fl oz of honey (or I used agave nectar),
40g unsweetened cocoa powder (I like Green and Blacks Organic Cocoa),
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda,
3 tbsp. coconut oil, melted,
1/2 tsp caramel extract (optional, or you could use peppermint extract for a change)

  1. Preheat the oven to 180deg C.
  2. Prepare a cupcake baking tray with 12 paper cases.
  3. Put all of the ingredients into a blender and whizz them up until smooth.
  4. Divide the batter evenly between the cake cases.
  5. Bake for 10-15 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean.
  6. Allow to cool then enjoy!

Clean Chicken Enchiladas

I've been on the lookout for something different to add to my clean eating evening meal repertoire. Chicken Enchiladas seemed like a great idea! Although we love to go out to eat Mexican food I've never cooked it at home. This seemed like the perfect recipe to try. I've adapted it slightly from one I found at I've never really made anything like this before so I was a bit nervous but they were easy to make and they tasted awesome! They were an instant winner with the hubby and kids and now they're firmly on the meal rotation list!
You can spice them up by adding chillis or chilli spice. I keep ours mild because we're a bit soft like that, but feel free to spice these up as much as you want!
To make cooking this more manageable time-wise I like to pre-cook the chicken breasts and shred them beforehand. You can do this the day before if that suits you best.
I serve ours with a side of vegetables to make it a balanced meal.

Don't underestimate these, they are amazingly filling!

Clean Chicken Enchiladas (makes 8 enchiladas)

For the sauce:
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 tsp south-western/chipotle seasoning (you're looking for something with a touch of heat - I'm using Santa Maria American Cajun seasoning)
1\2 tsp cumin
1 tsp smoked paprika
180ml chicken broth
350ml passata
Salt and pepper, to taste
Chopped chillis or chilli spice, to taste (optional)
Low calorie spray oil

For the filling:
1 tsp olive oil
1/2 large onion, diced
Large handful of coriander, chopped
4 chicken breasts, cooked and shredded
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 tsp southwestern/chipotle seasoning (as above)
1/2 tsp cumin
1 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 tsp dried oregano
80ml chicken broth
120ml passata
Salt and pepper, to taste

To assemble:
8 whole wheat flour tortillas
50g grated mozzarella
50g grated cheddar

Preheat the oven to 200degC and prepare the sauce:
  1. Spray a medium saucepan with oil and fry the garlic. Add all of the other sauce ingredients to the pan and stir. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 5 -10 minutes. Season to taste. Remove from the heat and set aside for later.
Prepare the Filling:
  1. Heat the oil in a large frying pan. Cook the onions and garlic until soft, about 2 minutes.
  2. Add all of the other filling ingredients to the frying pan, stir through and cook for about 5 minutes. Remove from the heat.
  1. Spray a 9 by 13-inch baking dish with spray oil.
  2. Split the filling mixture evenly between the 8 tortillas and roll each up.
  3. Place the tortillas seam side down in the baking dish
  4. Pour over the sauce and top with the cheese.
  5. Cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes.
You can top these with spring onions if desired. Enjoy!

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Pork and Sage Meatballs

Today I thought I'd share with you the all-time bestsest crowd pleasing dinner out of all the clean eating recipes in the Kinsman household.

It's Pork Meatballs!!!!

OK, so I know it doesn't sound very rockstar, but trust me, this one goes down a storm in my house. It even gets a fist pump from my youngest son George when he knows it's cooking.
I know, right?
So what's so awesome about it then?
The star of this dish is the sage, which I absolutely adore. I put loads of it in when I'm making these meatballs because I just love it so much.
Pork mince is great to cook with when you're feeding a family because it's cheap.
And this recipe is really so quick and easy to prepare it can be done and dusted within 30 minutes!
It's such a perfect dinner for a busy family when you're pressed for time.

Unsurprisingly this gets cooked every week without fail. We enjoy ours with sautéed cabbage and leeks and jacket potatoes (just make it a small one and be careful not to load up your potato with lots of butter and cheese!)
I hope your family enjoy this as much as mine do!


Pork and Sage Meatballs (serves 4)

500g 5% fat pork mince
A large handful of fresh sage, chopped
100g spinach
100g feta cheese
1 tsp onion granules
1 egg, beaten
Salt and pepper to taste

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C
  2. Spray a baking sheet with low calorie spray oil.
  3. Put the spinach in a covered microwavable bowl and microwave for 1 minute. Leave to cool then squeeze out some of the liquid (but not all, you'll need some to keep the meatballs moist during cooking) and then chop the spinach up.
  4. Put all of the ingredients into a large bowl and combine together using your hands.
  5. Form even sized balls with the mixture and place onto the baking sheet. You should get about 12 meatballs in total.
  6. Bake for 15 - 20 minutes or until they're no longer pink in the middle.

Exercise Makes Me Happy!

Working out regularly over these last couples of weeks has reminded me how much I do enjoy it.

Being fit was always important to me and I used to be at fitness classes or the gym, or playing netball every evening when I was in my early twenties. My friend and I would often go to a fitness class as a warm-up for our netball match! Whilst I was pregnant with my first baby, Joe, I ran a 5K race and was still going to the gym regularly right up until I was 6 months into the pregnancy. I think the combination of that and a bit of luck helped me get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes almost immediately after I gave birth. I got back into netball and the gym after a few weeks and my body hadn't really changed much from before. I even used to go to the gym in my lunch break at work!
Fast forward 3 years and things were different after I had my second baby, George. I was older, my body didn't bounce back to what it was before, I was more tired, had less time and my exercise naturally took a back seat. Eventually I got back into netball but that just wasn't enough. I put on weight and felt like I wasn't my old self. The old Tracy was fit and active but I felt like that was another me, in another time - so far away from how I felt right then. I felt lost without the exercise, like I wasn't really living up to who I had been before. My priorities had changed, and that was OK, but it kept nagging away at me. So I signed up for the gym again in the hope that it would kick-start my fitness. The trouble was that I found it very stressful rushing to the gym after work in the traffic, squeezing in a quick workout that really didn't fit my needs, and then rushing back home again to be with my family. Of course, the gym ended up dying a death and I cancelled my membership because I just wasn't using it and I was wasting our hard earned cash.
But then I discovered home workouts and it was just so much more do-able! I could fit a workout in around everything that was going on without the guilt. It suited me perfectly! The only thing with home workouts is you're on your own. There's no friend waiting for you at the local leisure centre and you don't want to let her down. There's no group doing a workout together pushing you through to the end. There's no instructor shouting at you to do one more rep! You have to have discipline to work out at home regularly. That was the catch for me - discipline. It's easy to not work out when the sofa's calling your name.....and we're back to the importance of the small stuff again!
Making the decision to make time for my workouts was important to me - they affect my fitness, health, and they help me to be who I really am deep down.
On top of that, it's empowering to hold yourself accountable for sticking with it. It means I'm still in control even when life throws me curveballs that I have no influence over. I am in control of whether or not I work out, and by default I'm controlling how I feel regardless of whatever else might be happening in my life.
I'm glad I'm taking back control. You only get one life, and I'm gonna live mine my way!

Friday 23 October 2015

Dishing the Dirt on Eating Clean

I'm often asked what I mean when I say I'm into clean eating. Today I'm going to go through the basics for you.
Eating clean is a very simple concept but it has big benefits. Our nutrition is massively important in how our body looks and feels. If you eat rubbish your body will show it. It's said that 80% of what our body looks like is down to what we eat, 10% is down to exercise and 10% is genetic. You've heard it before but you really are what you eat.

Clean eating is simply the practice of limiting processed and refined foods and basing your diet on whole foods. It bases itself on the concept of food as fuel to nourish your body. It's not complicated, you just need to understand the basics.
Eating clean is not a fad diet. There is no calorie counting or deprivation. It doesn't eliminate food groups. You get to eat plenty of food, just the good stuff! It is a permanent lifestyle change where you go back to basic healthy eating principles.

There are lots of online resources you can use to find out more about clean eating. The concept can be open to interpretation and some people have different thoughts on it. This is my take on it and how I practice clean eating principles in my life. This suits me and my family and has helped us become healthier. We all have our own opinions and you may feel differently than me so I strongly encourage you to do what is right for you and your family.

Eat real, whole foods that come from nature:
  • A variety of fruit and vegetables. Vegetables in particular are low in calories but are packed with fibre and lots of vitamins and minerals
  • Wholegrains. Replace refined grains with whole ones to ensure you're getting all the lovely nutrients and fibre that are in them. Choose steel cut oats, brown/wild/black rice, quinoa, freekeh, etc. There are loads of options. 
  • Lean meats
  • Fish
  • Dairy
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Healthy fats and oils (such as avocado, extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil)
Limit processed foods:
  • This is anything that has been 'tampered with' to make it into it's current state
  • Avoid added sugars, salt and fats
  • Avoid refined sugars. Refined sugar = empty calories. It has no nutritional benefit at all.
  • Avoid refined white flours and replace them with wholemeal flour.
  • Avoid anything with preservatives, additives or artificial sweeteners.
  • Read ingredients lists carefully. Anything with lots of ingredients will generally mean it's not 'clean'
  • A rule of thumb is if you can't pronounce one of the ingredients then you shouldn't buy it!
Clean Eating Principles:
  • Eat breakfast every day to boost your metabolism
  • Eat regularly. Every 2 and a half to 3 hours. This also keeps your metabolism firing on all cylinders and will reduce the chance of you needing to snack on something bad in between meals
  • Cook from scratch. It's easier than you might think. I've enjoyed learning how to cook with lots of fabulous fresh ingredients. I've got some really quick and easy recipes that I'll be sharing with you
  • Adhere to proper portion sizes (see below) 
  • Combine lean protein with complex carbohydrates in your meals. This keeps you feeling fuller for longer and helps with your metabolism to burn fat more effectively
  • Limit caffeine and alcohol. Use both in moderation
  • Keep hydrated!
  • Stay flexible!!!!! More about this below.....

Correct Portion Sizes:
  • Protein = size of palm
  • Complex carbohydrates = one cupped hand
  • Fruit and veg = 2 cupped hands
  • Cooking oils and healthy fats = 1 tablespoon

Benefits of Clean Eating:
  • Easier to maintain a healthy weight thereby reducing the risk of health problems
  • A diet full of variety ensures you're getting lots of nutrients
  • Whole foods are great at keeping the digestive system regular
  • A healthy diet makes you stronger so you can stay more active for longer.

The Really Important Bit!!!

It's vitally important to be flexible when you're eating clean. Clean eating 100% of the time is not very realistic. It's completely OK to enjoy a treat every now and then. It's not cheating! It's just making a conscious, informed choice to enjoy something different every once in a while. All you need to do is be comfortable with your choices. For me, I'll often have artificial sweeteners in my tea or coffee. That's fine by me - it's a choice I've made and I'm comfortable with it. We enjoy making homemade pizza, and my dough recipe uses white flour. That's OK with me! We only have it once in a while. The key is balance.

Lots to take on board? I know, I felt the same way. What's great is that you can take this slowly switching out ingredients as you go along. It's taken me a while to learn what I have so far, and I'm still learning. It's a work in progress!

Clean eating will change your body from the inside out. So eat like you love your body. I promise you you'll feel better for it!

Tuesday 20 October 2015

How the Little Things Affect Your Bigger Goal

When you have a goal (whether personal or professional) it can seem unachievable, too big, too far away to even know where to start. But it has to start somewhere. If you don't take the first step you can't make the journey and you'll never get to where you want to be.

Baby steps are your friend. They're seemingly insignificant actions that you take and decisions you make. The things that you do every day, often without really thinking about it - the small stuff. Making considered choices that actively move you closer to your goal are the answer.

These baby steps - they're easy to do. But you know what?
They're a darn sight easier not to.
If you don't exercise today is it a big deal? If you finish up the kids' leftovers have you thrown all of your progress away? If you eat a packet of crisps instead of an apple is it a disaster? Of course not. One bad decision doesn't throw you off track as long as you get straight back on the wagon. But you have to get straight back on the wagon. It's when one bad decision turns into another, then another and.....well, you get the picture.

It's hard to not eat that piece of birthday cake when everyone else is, or to work out after a long day at work. It's easy to make excuses and convince yourself it's the right decision. Hey, no one will know if you didn't do it. No one except you.
That's where the true test is. It depends on how much you want it - whether you want the change more then you want to stay the same.

Know that the cumulative effect of your small daily actions and decisions will ultimately take you closer to or further away from your goal.

You have the control.
Keep your eyes on the prize. Envision it, make it real. You have to be committed for the long haul. You won't achieve your goals in a matter of days. Be prepared for it to take months, maybe even years. But keep your eyes on the prize.

So go ahead and take those baby steps. Make those considered decisions. Sweat those small things. Do it day in and day out. Do it even when nobody's watching.

You'll be smashing those goals before you know it!

Saturday 17 October 2015

Why I'm Sweating the Small Stuff

Hello! Thanks for joining me. This is my first blog post ever so please bear with me. I've never done anything like this before and I'm completely out of my comfort zone!

So what's this all about then? Well, you can head over to my About page which has more information but the main reason I've started this is for my own personal accountability in my health and fitness journey.
Although I've always been pretty active with regular bouts of intense working out (you know who you are Insanity!) I have an amazing ability to come up with any old excuse so I can just laze around on the sofa.
Over the last 10 months or so I've found clean eating and it's finally clicked with me that no matter how much I exercise nothing will truly change unless I'm eating right.
Honestly, this year so far has been more about getting my nutrition balanced than it has been about exercising. And hey, it's not been so bad because I actually weigh less than I have in a few years (not by a lot, but it's something right?). I know it's doing me good because I feel a whole lot healthier.
But, recently I've slipped back to some of my old habits and I haven't been as good with my nutrition as I'd previously been (you know how it is - one bit of chocolate turns into the whole bar....every evening) and not surprisingly I'm putting on weight. I hate the feeling I get after I've made bad food choices and the next day when I feel all bloated and uncomfortable. My body is very quick to tell me when it's not happy *sigh*.
I need to get a handle on this now before it gets out of control! So I'm starting up again with regular exercise but this time I'm going to be good with my nutrition as well. All at the same time - genius!
I'm mad at myself because I get it.  I've seen the benefits first hand. I know that healthy eating and exercise have great results, not just in the way your body looks, but in how you feel. And I passionately believe in it's importance to keep you healthy and living life to the full. I've learnt so much and I'm just not putting it into practice. Well that's going to change, right now! I'm holding myself accountable by blogging my progress and I'd love for you to join me in my journey.

Thanks for sticking it out to the end of this post, I truly appreciate it and I hope to see you next time!