Monday 28 December 2015

Being Scared About the Next 60 Days!......

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and that you were able to take some time to relax and enjoy yourselves with friends and family. I had a lovely few days and got to spend some quality time with my family. I let myself indulge a little (and the waistline shows it!) but now it's time to get back to some normality with a regular exercise plan and some nutritious food.

Today I'm starting my new workout programme, and it would be an understatement to say it's going to be a challenge! This one is unlike anything I've ever done before. Normally I'm flinging myself around the lounge doing all sorts of cardio moves. For the next 60 days though I'm going to be changing tact and working mainly with weights.

The idea behind it is that it's built on SSP training (short for Stabilisation, Strength and Power). It's supposed to 'rapidly build, sculpt and refine the physique'. Hey! Stop your sniggering over there!!!!
There are different types of workouts. Some focus on 'building muscle, strength and power', whilst others are designed to 'achieve greater endurance, stabilisation and maximum definition' (lol!). Can you tell I'm not 100% convinced about this?! Ha ha!

It uses various equipment which I've had to quickly pull together and improvise. I don't know how I'll get on but I could be placing an express delivery order for a workout bench when I find out that a chair just won't cut it in a few days time! You're supposed to have weights (I've got a small selection - I hope they will be enough), a bench (which I haven't got), a resistance band (which I have!) and a chin-up bar (we do actually have one of these but me trying to squeeze even one chin up out is quite frankly a complete joke). I really have absolutely no idea how this is going to pan out. Other than the nutrition side of things this is the least I've been prepared for exercising in a LONG time.

Nutrition-wise I can stick to what I've already been doing so that's a bonus.  Just clean eating and paying attention to portion sizes and proportions of macros (carbs, proteins, fats, etc). This really shouldn't be a problem for me.

The great thing for me is that this time I'll have an accountability partner every day because Roger will be doing this programme with me. We can laugh at motivate, drive and help each other through it. And when we reach the 60 day mark we'll both completely ripped and defined...then we'll be high-fiving each other! I really should lower my expectations a little, it's just that the people in the booklet look sooo awesome. Surely that'll be me and Rog when we've finished, right???!!!

So, in preparation I've done my 'before' measurements and photos so I can see if this workout really does live up to the hype when I compare them to my 'Day 60' photos and measurements. Of course I'll be sure to share my results with all you lovely people!

I think it's fair to say that the next 60 days are gonna be hard, but it'll be worth it! (won't it? Please someone tell me it'll be worth it....)

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