Wednesday 9 December 2015

Beating the Festive Season Before it Beats You!

It's that time of the year again when we're all caught up in the Christmas hustle and bustle. It can get so bad that we forget to look after ourselves, to eat well and it's easy to make excuses for ourselves. I know I do! I feel my energy levels dropping, I get tired more easily and I want to slack on my eating and fitness.
Holiday game-plan desperately needed!!!!!

Here's mine:
  1. Just because it's Christmas it doesn't mean I'll use the "I'll start afterwards because I'm too busy" excuse. I'm sticking to my workout plan and pushing through. I'm only working out for 30 minutes, 5 days a week. It's totally doable! It's even more important on my splurge days. I'm going to earn my meal on those nights!
  2. I'm getting on track with the 80/20 nutrition rules. Enough room for a festive meal, but not enough slack to ruin my progress. With the odd mince pie here and a few choccies there you can easily undo all of your hard work. Don't do it, it's not worth it! Remember that the fat lasts longer than the flavour!!! This week I'm out for a meal and drinks on Friday but the rest of the week I'm sticking to my game plan. I want to rock my new party dress!!!
  3. If I know I'm going somewhere where there'll be zero good food options I'm going to have something small and healthy to eat before I go. That way I won't feel so tempted to eat the bad stuff. For group meals out I always make sure to order the healthier choice on the menu up front.
  4. Enjoy myself!!! Life is for living and I intend to do that in a healthy and happy way.

What's your game plan to end the year healthier than when you started?

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