Hey everyone! Today marks three whole weeks since I started Sweating the Small Stuff in the form of this blog and my Facebook 'like' page. It's been an odd thing for me. Those of you who are my close family and friends will know that I'm quite a private person so putting myself out there in the public domain has been both exciting and scary for me.
I'd been working on building the blog for a while and it had been a long and difficult process. I'm not very techy and I had to google what to do every step of the way. I can't believe I was writing code!!! It was tedious and there was a lot of trial and error but it was important to me that the blog looked and felt right before I published it. It isn't perfect still, there are lots of things I want to do with it to make it more user friendly and to improve how it looks but I had certainly got it to a point where I was happy enough for it to go out to the masses. However, I became aware that I was at the stage where I was just tweaking bits and bobs here and there, and I realised it was because I was procrastinating about putting it out there for all to see.
It took me a few days to pluck up the courage to publish both the blog and my 'like' page, and I was so scared about it! I reasoned with myself that publishing them wasn't really an issue because if nobody knew they existed then nobody would see them anyway! So I went ahead and published them with a rush of blood to the head!
I'm not even really sure what it was that worried me. I was a bit concerned about what people might think, but then I'm not generally bothered about that sort of thing. People can think what they want but I know me, who I am and what I'm about and so do the people who I care about. That's good enough for me. I was certainly worried that I didn't know what I was doing! It was a massive leap of faith. I even had to teach myself how to do selfies as I'd never done them before! I was also worried that people would get irritated by the Facebook feed. But then I had to remind myself that was why I'd set it up as a separate 'like' page instead of using my personal page so that people could choose whether or not to follow me and see the posts.
It was Roger who pushed it through for me. He went and invited people to like my Facebook page and, much to my surprise, people did!
I've been overwhelmed by the support and positive comments that I've had from people. Thank you to all of you! The feedback I've had has made this so much easier for me and has spurred me to keep going when I've been wavering on my ability to do this. The children and Roger have helped and are fully participating, and I've got a new-found 'cool mum' status now that I'm a 'blogger'! It's probably only fleeting so I'll take if for as long as I can!

Also, if you feel happy to, please invite others to join me on my blog and 'like' page. The more people that are watching me the more accountable I feel!
In summary, I'm so glad that I've done this. It's been challenging and I'm sure it will continue to be, but I'm really enjoying it and it's given me a new lease of life that I didn't know was missing. I'm making great progress in my own personal journey and I'm loving being able to share my passion.
I truly hope that you're getting something out of this too and I'd love for you to stay with me as I push further.
Well done Tracy,really good stuff! Love, Dan xxx