We all know how this story goes. Winter closes in, the weather gets cold and all we want to do is snuggle up in front of the TV, watching some box set or another and eating stodgy food. Like runny noses and cold toes, a dip in energy levels goes hand-in-hand with winter. This can be a natural reaction that the body has to the change in seasons. We end up in a bit of a spiral where we feel the urge to hibernate and fool ourselves into thinking that the extra sleep and relaxation will improve our energy levels. But actually the opposite is true.
Part of that lethargic feeling we get is psychological, so the first step to feeling more energised is to think yourself more energised and focus on the positive aspects of this time of the year.
So whilst we're busy appreciating mulled wine, good times with friends and family and the slimming effects of black tights we can also make some small tweaks to take our frosty days from 'meh' to 'marvellous'!
Wake Up Call!
Wake up at the same time - every day
This strengthens your circadian rhythm (basically your waking and sleeping routine) and it'll help you sleep better at night. Bad news is that this applies to the weekend as well. No more Sunday snoozing! The football mums amongst you won't remember what a weekend lay-in is anyway so this'll be a cinch for you!
Get Outside!
Getting some early morning sunshine can increase your energy for the rest of the day. It also triggers production of melatonin, which is a hormone that regulates your body clock, so you'll want to rest at the right times. Working out outside is an added bonus!
Eat for energy!
Eggs are the best! They contain choline which improves brain focus. Wash it all down with a big glass of water. The most common cause of midday fatigue is mild hydration so try to pass up on that hot mug of coffee or hot chocolate that's calling you.
Get Some Air!
Electrical appliances and air conditioning generate positive ions which can lead to bad moods, lethargy and sleepnessness. So maybe take the opportunity during your coffee break to go outside for a quick breather instead. The negative ions outside will help to make you feel more alert.
Cut the Carbs!
We tend to gravitate towards comfort foods in the winter which are generally high in carbohydrate. The trouble is, although they give a quick boost of energy, that's soon followed by a slump so you end up feeling sleepy. Try to eat to sustain your energy levels by eating protein with complex carbohydrates (such as sweet potato or brown rice - try a baked sweet potato with tuna salad, or chicken noodle soup).
Have a Snack!
Most people have a bit of a slump at about 4pm in the afternoon. To beat it have a protein snack. Try a small handful of unsalted nuts or some fat free Greek yoghurt).
Get to Bed Early!
The short winter days prompt our bodies to slow down, so try and get to bed a bit earlier. Going to bed an hour earlier than you do in the summer feeds your body's natural urge and hopefully will help you to drag yourself away from your comfy warm bed in the morning.
Now get out there and feel as sunny and bright as you did all summer!