When I chat with my challengers it seems as though exercising is a fairly easy task to accomplish, but eating the correct amount of foods and what exactly to eat are the most difficult things for people to master.
So I've noted down some of my best tips to help you succeed.
Portion sizes
- The strategy does not count calories, sins or points. Instead you are guided by simply following correct portion sizes and pairing the correct foods together. So it is very easy to stick to the correct plan because you don’t need any fancy sliders to figure out your calories or scales to measure your food.
A serving of protein is the palm of your hand. A serving of complex carbohydrates such as apples, oranges, veggies is 2 cupped handfuls and a serving of starchy carbs is the size of 1 cupped handful.
If you follow the correct portion sizes you will stay on track and are less likely to over indulge.
If you follow the correct portion sizes you will stay on track and are less likely to over indulge.
Drink a large glass of warm lemon water when you first wake up before you eat breakfast. Lemon water is a natural detox and it also jump starts your metabolism in the morning. I use a lemon squeezer and squeeze an entire lemon into my cup and fill to the top with warm tap water. Then, I do not allow myself to eat breakfast until the entire glass of water is gone.
Tip: Lemons tend to go bad quickly so to get the most out of your lemons, squeeze all of the juice into ice cube trays and then just pop them out and go each morning!
Get a lunch bag - You can pick up a cheap and pretty lunch bag almost anywhere these days that are perfect for packing healthy snacks and meals. On Saturday I always sit down and plan out my meals for the week. I make my shopping list and normally place my order online either to be delivered or for me to pick up on Sunday morning. Then I cut up the fruits and veggies and portion into serving sizes for the week. I measure out hummus, nuts as my proteins to pair with my fruits and veggies. I use little food storage containers or food bags to keep them in in the fridge. Then, if I am out running errands I always pack a snack and even an extra one! I throw my shaker cup in my bag and a sachet of Shakeology because you can always find water somewhere! Then, I am never stranded and starving! I will never let myself get to the ravenous stage where I eat everything in sight!
Carry a refillable bottle with water everywhere you go. Mine is like an extension of my arm! You can add lime, lemon, cucumber and strawberries to your water to give it flavor. No fizzy drinks or juice! I’m telling you that it’s full of empty calories and you are not going to lose the weight if you drink fizzy drinks or juice! Just WATER!
Drink green tea if you get hungry. I've found that it helps with my cravings especially in the evening!
Are you the type of person that needs something sweet after dinner? I definitely am!!! If you really, truly can't resist have a small piece of fruit and leave it at that!
Another thing that I do all the time is cook extra chicken for your lunches on Sunday or whatever day you are going to use as your prep day. That way you can slice it up and put it in a tupperware and pull out for salads or wraps for the rest of the week. A tip that I've recently discovered and has become an absolute staple in my meal prep every week is to buy a whole chicken and put it in the slow cooker on high for 5 hours. You don't need to put anything at all in the pot with the chicken so it's literally the easiest thing to do! The chicken falls off the bone when it's cooked, and I usually shred it while it's still warm and store it in a container in the fridge to use in salads or for our family favourite Chicken Enchiladas recipe.
Also, cook extra for dinner and place in containers for lunches throughout the week.
You can replace any foods so long as you replace a complex carb with another complex carb etc. So if you don’t like bananas replace them with an apple. If you don’t like almonds replace with all natural peanut butter!
80% nutrition + 10% exercise + 10% genetics = body beautiful/body health

1. Eat six small meals a day. Eat every two-and-a-half to three hours. I've been known to set the timer on my phone to remind me when to eat! Now that I have been doing it for so long my body just tells me that its time to eat!
2. Eat breakfast every day, within an hour of rising. I exercise first thing in the morning and I don’t eat before hand. I get up, drink my pre-workout formula, workout, drink my recovery drink, grab a shower and then make breakfast.
3. Eat a combination of lean protein and complex carbohydrates at each meal. A lean protein would be plain unsalted nuts, all natural peanut butter, white meat such as chicken and fish, eggs. A complex carb is your fruits and veggies such as bananas, apples, oranges, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, to name just a few.
4. Eat sufficient (two or three servings) of healthy fats every day (EVOO, avocado)
5. Drink two to three litres of water each day. I make this a MUST! If you want to lose weight then you must drink a lot of water each and every day. If you don't drink enough water you body actually holds on to water weight. Drinking water speeds up your metabolism and helps you lose weight.
6. Carry a cool bag packed with clean foods. Even if I am pretty certain that I am going to be home before my next snack or meal I still throw into my bag an apple and a handful of unsalted almonds and a bottle of water. It is super easy to throw in a packet of Shakeology and your shaker cup. Then you are never left scrounging for a meal or grabbing something from a petrol station. you always have a healthy snack or meal to hold you over!
7. Depend on fresh fruits and vegetables for fibre, vitamins, nutrients and enzymes. Limit your starchy complex carbs to two to four servings each day. I suggest not relying too heavily on juices. I would aim to get your servings of fruits and veggies each day from actually eating them. This way you get the added fibre from the skins of the fruits! Juices more often than not have added sugars and additives that our bodies do not need.
8. Adhere to proper portion sizes.
Protein: palm of one hand.

Starchy complex carbohydrates: What can fit into one cupped hand.

Complex carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables: What can fit into two cupped hands together.

Healthy Fats: One scant handful of nuts, 1 to 2 tbsp of oil.
1. Sugar, white flour and over processed foods. Bread from the bread basket when you are out to eat. I find that bread bloats my stomach terribly about an hour after eating it so I try to avoid it in general, and especially when I'm trying to lose weight I will cut it out completely!
2. Artificial sugars - Splenda, Hermesetas, Canderel, etc are not good for your body at all. They are full of chemicals and have an effect on your body similar to sugar. I reccomend agave nectar and honey if you need to sweeten something. Even then I still think you should use it sparingly. Sugar is addictive and the more you have the more your body will crave it!
3. Sugar-loaded drinks such as fizzy and juice - NONE AT ALL!!!
4. Super-sizing your meals or portions - If the portion size you're given at a restaurant is large ask for a box and take half of it home. Even if it’s a healthy meal that does not give you permission to throw your rules out the window! You can eat the right kinds of foods and have too much and still not see results.
5. Alcohol, try your best to limit it. My rule of thumb is for every alcoholic drink that you consume you must have 1 full glass of water!
Alcohol is full of sugar and empty calories so you need to ask yourself, is this short term sacrifice of drinking worth the long term results of me feeling amazing in my body and having the confidence to put myself out there!
6. Chemically charged foods - So this mean diet ready meals, lean cuisines or any other processed meals. Take a look at the labels on your food. If there are more than 3 ingredients and you don’t understand what they are then you probably shouldn’t buy it!
7. Foods containing preservatives
8. Artificial foods such as processed cheese slices or meat.
9. Saturated and trans fats
10. Calorie dense foods with no nutritional value like cakes, crisps, sweets and chocolate.
1. Pack a cool bag everyday
2. Carry a water bottle everywhere
3. Make a shopping list and stick to it - I sit down with my white board, shopping list and recipes and plan out my meals so that my entire family can follow the same eating schedule. It works and we are all happy!
4. Prepare planned leftovers
5. Keep your cupboards stocked with staples. Staples for me are apples, all natural peanut butter, almonds, cashews, raisins, chia seeds, and olive oil! If I run out of fresh fruits and veggies I turn to nuts and raisins!
1. Set realistic goals for yourself - weekly, monthly and yearly.
2. Train all of your major muscle groups, arms shoulders, chest, back, legs and abs.
3. Challenge yourself - vary your routine every few weeks.
4. Keep cardio fun - try new activities
5. Stay focused - put your mind into your muscle.
If you would like more information on how you can transform your lifestyle with eating clean please message me at tracylkinsman@gmail.com or go to https://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/gb/coach/signup?referringRepID=1527682 and create a free account and together we can reach your health and fitness goals one day at a time!
Tip: Lemons tend to go bad quickly so to get the most out of your lemons, squeeze all of the juice into ice cube trays and then just pop them out and go each morning!
Get a lunch bag - You can pick up a cheap and pretty lunch bag almost anywhere these days that are perfect for packing healthy snacks and meals. On Saturday I always sit down and plan out my meals for the week. I make my shopping list and normally place my order online either to be delivered or for me to pick up on Sunday morning. Then I cut up the fruits and veggies and portion into serving sizes for the week. I measure out hummus, nuts as my proteins to pair with my fruits and veggies. I use little food storage containers or food bags to keep them in in the fridge. Then, if I am out running errands I always pack a snack and even an extra one! I throw my shaker cup in my bag and a sachet of Shakeology because you can always find water somewhere! Then, I am never stranded and starving! I will never let myself get to the ravenous stage where I eat everything in sight!
Carry a refillable bottle with water everywhere you go. Mine is like an extension of my arm! You can add lime, lemon, cucumber and strawberries to your water to give it flavor. No fizzy drinks or juice! I’m telling you that it’s full of empty calories and you are not going to lose the weight if you drink fizzy drinks or juice! Just WATER!
Drink green tea if you get hungry. I've found that it helps with my cravings especially in the evening!
Are you the type of person that needs something sweet after dinner? I definitely am!!! If you really, truly can't resist have a small piece of fruit and leave it at that!
Another thing that I do all the time is cook extra chicken for your lunches on Sunday or whatever day you are going to use as your prep day. That way you can slice it up and put it in a tupperware and pull out for salads or wraps for the rest of the week. A tip that I've recently discovered and has become an absolute staple in my meal prep every week is to buy a whole chicken and put it in the slow cooker on high for 5 hours. You don't need to put anything at all in the pot with the chicken so it's literally the easiest thing to do! The chicken falls off the bone when it's cooked, and I usually shred it while it's still warm and store it in a container in the fridge to use in salads or for our family favourite Chicken Enchiladas recipe.
Also, cook extra for dinner and place in containers for lunches throughout the week.
You can replace any foods so long as you replace a complex carb with another complex carb etc. So if you don’t like bananas replace them with an apple. If you don’t like almonds replace with all natural peanut butter!
80% nutrition + 10% exercise + 10% genetics = body beautiful/body health
1. Eat six small meals a day. Eat every two-and-a-half to three hours. I've been known to set the timer on my phone to remind me when to eat! Now that I have been doing it for so long my body just tells me that its time to eat!
2. Eat breakfast every day, within an hour of rising. I exercise first thing in the morning and I don’t eat before hand. I get up, drink my pre-workout formula, workout, drink my recovery drink, grab a shower and then make breakfast.
3. Eat a combination of lean protein and complex carbohydrates at each meal. A lean protein would be plain unsalted nuts, all natural peanut butter, white meat such as chicken and fish, eggs. A complex carb is your fruits and veggies such as bananas, apples, oranges, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, to name just a few.
4. Eat sufficient (two or three servings) of healthy fats every day (EVOO, avocado)
5. Drink two to three litres of water each day. I make this a MUST! If you want to lose weight then you must drink a lot of water each and every day. If you don't drink enough water you body actually holds on to water weight. Drinking water speeds up your metabolism and helps you lose weight.
6. Carry a cool bag packed with clean foods. Even if I am pretty certain that I am going to be home before my next snack or meal I still throw into my bag an apple and a handful of unsalted almonds and a bottle of water. It is super easy to throw in a packet of Shakeology and your shaker cup. Then you are never left scrounging for a meal or grabbing something from a petrol station. you always have a healthy snack or meal to hold you over!
7. Depend on fresh fruits and vegetables for fibre, vitamins, nutrients and enzymes. Limit your starchy complex carbs to two to four servings each day. I suggest not relying too heavily on juices. I would aim to get your servings of fruits and veggies each day from actually eating them. This way you get the added fibre from the skins of the fruits! Juices more often than not have added sugars and additives that our bodies do not need.
8. Adhere to proper portion sizes.
Protein: palm of one hand.
Starchy complex carbohydrates: What can fit into one cupped hand.
Complex carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables: What can fit into two cupped hands together.
Healthy Fats: One scant handful of nuts, 1 to 2 tbsp of oil.
1. Sugar, white flour and over processed foods. Bread from the bread basket when you are out to eat. I find that bread bloats my stomach terribly about an hour after eating it so I try to avoid it in general, and especially when I'm trying to lose weight I will cut it out completely!
2. Artificial sugars - Splenda, Hermesetas, Canderel, etc are not good for your body at all. They are full of chemicals and have an effect on your body similar to sugar. I reccomend agave nectar and honey if you need to sweeten something. Even then I still think you should use it sparingly. Sugar is addictive and the more you have the more your body will crave it!
3. Sugar-loaded drinks such as fizzy and juice - NONE AT ALL!!!
4. Super-sizing your meals or portions - If the portion size you're given at a restaurant is large ask for a box and take half of it home. Even if it’s a healthy meal that does not give you permission to throw your rules out the window! You can eat the right kinds of foods and have too much and still not see results.
5. Alcohol, try your best to limit it. My rule of thumb is for every alcoholic drink that you consume you must have 1 full glass of water!
Alcohol is full of sugar and empty calories so you need to ask yourself, is this short term sacrifice of drinking worth the long term results of me feeling amazing in my body and having the confidence to put myself out there!
6. Chemically charged foods - So this mean diet ready meals, lean cuisines or any other processed meals. Take a look at the labels on your food. If there are more than 3 ingredients and you don’t understand what they are then you probably shouldn’t buy it!
7. Foods containing preservatives
8. Artificial foods such as processed cheese slices or meat.
9. Saturated and trans fats
10. Calorie dense foods with no nutritional value like cakes, crisps, sweets and chocolate.
1. Pack a cool bag everyday
2. Carry a water bottle everywhere
3. Make a shopping list and stick to it - I sit down with my white board, shopping list and recipes and plan out my meals so that my entire family can follow the same eating schedule. It works and we are all happy!
4. Prepare planned leftovers
5. Keep your cupboards stocked with staples. Staples for me are apples, all natural peanut butter, almonds, cashews, raisins, chia seeds, and olive oil! If I run out of fresh fruits and veggies I turn to nuts and raisins!
1. Set realistic goals for yourself - weekly, monthly and yearly.
2. Train all of your major muscle groups, arms shoulders, chest, back, legs and abs.
3. Challenge yourself - vary your routine every few weeks.
4. Keep cardio fun - try new activities
5. Stay focused - put your mind into your muscle.
If you would like more information on how you can transform your lifestyle with eating clean please message me at tracylkinsman@gmail.com or go to https://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/gb/coach/signup?referringRepID=1527682 and create a free account and together we can reach your health and fitness goals one day at a time!
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