Monday, 21 August 2017

Such an Amazing Weekend!!!

What a weekend!!!

After waiting for quite literally YEARS it's actually happening!!!
And right now is where it all starts!

Yesterday The Dream Team United took over Birmingham for the very first official training event for future Team Beachbody Coaches in the UK.

I travelled up to the event to finally meet top coach Melanie Mitro in person and to learn loads from the very best of the best. 
I had been following Melanie on social media for about 3 years because she is such an inspiring lady and is truly making a difference to people's lives. I made a decision two and a half years ago that I wanted to walk in her shoes and make my own difference to peoples lives. 

Now that it's official that the Beachbody Coaching opportunity is finally coming to the UK this October we've been able to start working towards the launch date and this weekend Melanie brought some of her top leaders from the Dream Team United over form the US to hold a live event in Birmingham to share the business opportunity with us all.

When we got there I immediately recognised some of the lovely people I've been connecting with from the UK that are headed on their own adventure with this exciting opportunity. We caught up over a coffee and I made some new friends too.

Then, after registration, we had a Shakeology tasting where I was reminded just how good it tasted (it had been a little while since I last had it) and how lucky we are in the UK to be able to get our hands on this insanely unique nutritional product.

Then we all gathered with our pens and notebooks to listen to all of the valuable information that Melanie and her team had come to share with us all.

What blew me away was the level of positivity from EVERYONE in that room. 
The message was very clear. With hard work anything is possible. You can achieve anything you wish. The potential is truly unlimited and not just in the coaching business, but in how that can open up other avenues for you!

We heard stories of how Beachbody coaching has given a cancer survivor the platform to be changing lives in an even greater way with her charitable organisation. 

We heard how one little girl's dream of opening an orphanage is now finally coming true thanks to the opportunities that Beachbody coaching has given her.

Every single one of these ladies was kind, humble and down to earth and their passion for helping others achieve success was clear for all to see.

I feel truly blessed to be able to have these ladies there for me, having my back, being there for me no matter what my personal goals are. My Beachbody family absolutely rocks!

Team Beachbody launches officially in the UK on October 19th and I can't even begin to describe to you how excited I am for it!!!

In these few weeks leading up to the launch I'm looking for 10 people to join my team.
Those people will have a passion for helping others achieve their goals, will be on their own health and fitness journey (no matter what stage they're at!), and will be a go-getter!

Does that sound like you?
Are you liking the sound of it but want more information?

Then fill out my application form for the No. 1 team in the company and together we can start changing other people's lives and our own!

Use Wufoo integrations and get your data to your favorite apps.

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