So what's this all about then? Well, you can head over to my About page which has more information but the main reason I've started this is for my own personal accountability in my health and fitness journey.
Although I've always been pretty active with regular bouts of intense working out (you know who you are Insanity!) I have an amazing ability to come up with any old excuse so I can just laze around on the sofa.
Over the last 10 months or so I've found clean eating and it's finally clicked with me that no matter how much I exercise nothing will truly change unless I'm eating right.
Honestly, this year so far has been more about getting my nutrition balanced than it has been about exercising. And hey, it's not been so bad because I actually weigh less than I have in a few years (not by a lot, but it's something right?). I know it's doing me good because I feel a whole lot healthier.
But, recently I've slipped back to some of my old habits and I haven't been as good with my nutrition as I'd previously been (you know how it is - one bit of chocolate turns into the whole bar....every evening) and not surprisingly I'm putting on weight. I hate the feeling I get after I've made bad food choices and the next day when I feel all bloated and uncomfortable. My body is very quick to tell me when it's not happy *sigh*.
I need to get a handle on this now before it gets out of control! So I'm starting up again with regular exercise but this time I'm going to be good with my nutrition as well. All at the same time - genius!
I'm mad at myself because I get it. I've seen the benefits first hand. I know that healthy eating and exercise have great results, not just in the way your body looks, but in how you feel. And I passionately believe in it's importance to keep you healthy and living life to the full. I've learnt so much and I'm just not putting it into practice. Well that's going to change, right now! I'm holding myself accountable by blogging my progress and I'd love for you to join me in my journey.
Thanks for sticking it out to the end of this post, I truly appreciate it and I hope to see you next time!
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